Antique Russian Imperial Display Case for Oval Presentation Box in Red Leather

Antique Russian Imperial Display Case for Oval Presentation Box. This box is in good restorable condition with no breaks to the wooden frame and no tears to the satin and velvet interior. It's scuffed, and rubbed, and right around 130 years old. From everything I have researched, It's more than likely Faberge and once was used to display an oval jeweled box, probably a snuff box or possibly pill box (see pictures). The cases for these presentation items weren't serialized so it's really hard to tell. The government under the Tsars, especially the Romanovs, was very much like any government, with rules, and paperwork. They embraced standards and the Imperial award system was no exception. These display cases were to be unbranded with nothing to detract from the member of the court presenting the gift, so aside from very minor differences, these boxes all pretty much look alike regardless of the jeweler, and there were many jewelers tasked with making items for the imperial court. Inside the case is in very good condition for it's age. The vanilla satin on the top is a little loose but not terrible and the bottom is in excellent condition and very sturdy with the oval impression centered and tipped slightly forward for presentation. The overall dimensions of this case are 5 inches long by 3 inches deep and 2 inches high on the outside, and the oval is 2 1/2 inches x 1 1/2 inches approx.
Outside the case has scuffs and scrapes accumulated over time, as to be expected with an item that has outlived both the maker and the receiver of this case. It's an excellent candidate for professional restoration, and honestly, should be in a museum with the presentation item it was made for. S and 24.95 International. The absence of condition information does not imply that it's in perfect condition. If you have further questions regarding condition please send me a message and I will be happy to assist.