The bottom part of the reverse. Bears the "84" old Russian silver hallmark that approximately corresponds to the. Next to the "84" print, there is the "Kokoshnik" official assay mark of the Imperial Russia. The mark appears as a tiny profile of a woman's head with a Russian head dress named "Kokoshnik".
Just below the hallmark, there is a two-letter maker's mark likely representing the maker's initials (please see the last picture for a reference). The item shows significant signs of wear due to its old age and devotional wearing, such as reduced quality of images and inscriptions, deformations of the original shape, scratches of various size and depth or superficial cracks, dents and patches of patina/oxidation. Most of the original patina has been removed using a complex procedure of gentle manual cleaning and polishing. The size and weight of the Cross are shown on the photographs for this listing.
The top end of the vertical crossbar displays. The "INRI" abbreviation hand-engraved in Cyrillic transliteration as "I?? The left and right ends of the horizontal crossbar bear Sacred Name of Jesus Christ inscribed as the "IC XC" Greek Christogram. The "IC" on the left, and the "XC" on the right. The bottom end of the vertical crossbar shows a. Please examine all photographs carefully and do your own research if necessary. Please note that photographs are an important part of the item's description. The decorative stone and measuring meter are not for sale, and are photographed with the item in order to provide a size reference. There are no guarantees with the listing because most items are original vintage or antique objects that are quite old.